Blog Post

Creating an Effective Campaign

Jun 14, 2017

Research and analyze your goals

search engine marketing

Creating an effective online campaign is more than placing an ad and hoping for the best. Know your objectives, do the research, set your goals, and be ready to make adjustments.

Marketing Goals

When creating you goals make sure they are specific in what you’re hoping to achieve. Ensure your goals are achievable by being realistic to your resources. Example: Do you have the employees to achieve your goal in a realistic time frame? Make your campaign measurable by using analytics to monitor your campaign leads, bounce rates, and conversions.


Every campaign needs a promotion. Give a reason that drives traffic from your ad, to your landing page, and into conversions. A promotion, or special offer is the key incentive to your campaign. Simple incentives on your product or service being searched for is going to drive in more consumer traffic that leads to more conversions.


Now that your goals are set and your promotion has been created, it’s time to develop those keywords for your campaign. There are many programs to help with this including Google keyword planner. Choose your keywords along with your negative keywords to get the traffic you want and not pay for any accidental traffic.

Landing Page

You may offer many products or services but you need to be specific to your campaign. This is where a landing page comes into action. A well executed landing page has specific content to your campaign that is informative, and engaging. Get your audience engaged with your promotions by singing up for a newsletter, setting an appointment online, or creating an easy click to purchase, if you have an eCommerce website. These are all great ways to keep your audience engaged turning a higher rate of traffic into conversions.

Attaching Social Media

You started you PPC campaign and your paying for impressions and every chosen keyword that applies to your product or service. So why not get the buzz out where you already have a following. Announce your promotion across all you social media sources. Facebook is, and Instagram is quickly becoming, a great place to generate leads, and if you have been keeping up with your social media your followers will notice. Create a link sending them straight to your landing page. This will not only get your followers engaged they are also likely to share with others. That’s just great word of mouth.


If views are high and conversions low it’s time to make some adjustments to get your campaign back on track. Consumers are always changing and you campaign needs to be fluid as well. Analytics helps determine where you’re losing you audience. From the data collected in analytics you have the information needed to pin point where you are losing your audience and make any adjustments.


Setting your goals gives you clarity of your campaign. Plan your campaign with research and create a great campaign landing page. Be ready to make changes by monitoring your campaign to insure your getting the best return on investment (ROI). When your campaign comes to a close analyze your data to see where you can improve next time. Even with a great campaign there is always room for improvement.

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